Fem Needs: Exploring Cannabis and Women's Health

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In recent years, cannabis has been making its mark on the healthcare landscape. From stress relief to pain management, cannabis has become a game-changer in the world of medicine. This trend has become increasingly more noticeable with regard to women’s health. Did you know that approximately 37% of American women are turning to cannabis to manage a variety of symptoms? 

Women of all ages, even those over 50, are starting to leverage and incorporate the benefits of cannabis into their health regimens and with good reason. Coupled with the broader acceptance and legalization of the beloved plant, we are witnessing a health revolution right before our eyes. So let’s dive deeper into this intriguing phenomenon to better understand how cannabis is meeting the uniquely feminine needs of women.

Significance of Cannabis in Modern Healthcare

Cannabis, along with its dynamic duo of THC and CBD, can offer a variety of benefits to its users.  Although there are over 100 cannabinoids contained in cannabis, but these two compounds are the most popular and impactful. They naturally interact with the body’s endocannabinoid system, which regulates functions such as sleep, cognition, memory, and mood in order to maintain homeostasis (or balance) within the body.  For women, the effects of these common cannabinoids on the body can be particularly beneficial.

Cannabis and Women’s Health

Cannabis has been shaping up as top-shelf remedy for women looking to holistically manage their health and/or bouts with chronic pain. With support from medical professionals, many women are utilizing the benefits of cannabis to manage stress and anxiety, hormonal imbalances, and pain relief. 

  • As a holistic alternative for stress relief, certain elements of cannabis, like the cannabinoid CBD, have been proven calm nerves, alleviate anxiety, and subdue stress. Similarly, THC has also been recognized for its positive effects in those experiencing mild depression.
  • When it comes pain management, women are believed to be more sensitive to the pain-relieving and euphoric effects of cannabis than men. As a result, medical-grade cannabis is showing promise as a soothing alternative to traditional pain meds for menstrual pain. Studies show that it doesn't just reduce pain intensity; it also can enhance one’s mood as well.
  • Balancing hormones is like a secret superpower for health, and cannabis might be the all-spark needed to power up. There's an exciting buzz about how cannabis could help keep women’s hormonal scales in harmony and much curiosity about how it can help late regulate certain hormones like estrogen. It's also gaining traction as a helpful buddy for managing hot flashes, mood swings, and sleepless nights associated with menopause. 
  • Although cannabis has many therapeutic properties, it's not a one-size-fits-all treatment. Luckily cannabis can be transmuted into a plethora of supplemental forms for those who are more health-conscious, yet still need access to its benefits. From topical treatments to skincare, the infusion of cannabis into a wide variety of self-care adjacent products is providing more avenues for women in particular to safely enjoy the potential benefits of cannabis supplements.

While substantiated through a wealth of existing research, it should be noted that continual research is needed to fully understand the long-term impact of cannabis on women’s health.

In short, as modern medicine continues to advance and more information becomes available about the many benefits of cannabis as a holistic treatment for women, it becomes clearer that this power plant could really revolutionize how and why women incorporate cannabis into their daily lives. From helping balance hormones to boosting mental wellness, cannabis is showing to be a versatile and viable alternative to traditional medicine for women.

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